
Short response time

No matter how busy we are we tend to answer a client request as soon as it arrives. Even just to say that we have received it and we'll act upon it.

Choose the right solution for the customer

Either it's the right CMS, the right mailing solution or the right design we are in close contact with the customer to suggest the best approach.

Over-deliver instead of over-optimistic promises

Evaluate the tasks as accurate as possible then deliver within the specified timeframe.

Transparency during the development process

We work on an Agile methodology and use the best code and tracking tools so all parties involved know the current status.

Tools like Pivotal Tracker, Trello, Github or Bitbucket are very familiar to us.

Be proactive and suggest improvements

Very often during the development process we run into situations that the client hasn't thought of or that the user interface is not very friendly.

We suggest other ways of implementing certain functionality or a better user interface.

Invest in your staff

We try to attend as many professional conferences as we can or get the latest books on trending topics.

Productivity is also a factor of knowledge so we are as informed and up to date as possible.

Give back and help others

We invest in open source by contributing to modules we also use or do pro bono work for some causes we believe in.

Have fun

Spending off duty time together is a great way to get to know each other and relax. Having a great time while going on holidays together is also something we've experienced in the past.
